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The Chart Room

Passive Beats Active Management

Writing for the London Business School Review, Professor Steven Schaefer weighs in on active vs. passive investment management.  To analyze the topic, he highlights his 2017 conversation with Nobel Prize winner Professor Eugene Fama, which took place at the London Business School’s 3rd Annual Insight Summit Conference.

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Warren Buffett Bet $500K That Hedge Funds Couldn’t Beat a Vanguard Index Fund

Nine years ago, Warren Buffett gave the hedge fund world a challenge. He took a gamble that an unmanaged S&P Index Fund would out-perform a collection of well-managed hedge funds over a 10-year period. Was he right?

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Endowment Sweepstakes: How Tiny Houghton College Beat Harvard

Harvard’s Endowment Fund recently announced that it will lay-off 230 employees due to lagging performance. Harvard’s situation is not unique. The National Association of College and University Business Officers recently reported that many endowments under-performed for fiscal year 2016. One exception of note is Houghton College in Houghton, New York.  A recent article written by James Stewart for the New York Times outlines Houghton’s investment strategy and how it compares to other institutions.

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The Best Investing Advice Has Always Been Too Boring for TV

When stock markets plummet or reach all-time highs, many financial media outlets are lining up to tell you what’s best for your investments. Harold Pollack wrote this piece for The Atlantic which does a great job of explaining the pitfalls of trying to time the market and makes a call for practical and real financial advice.

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Why Mutual Fund Managers Are Having a Bad Year

In this article, Ross Kerber of Reuters explores why 85% of active large-cap stock funds are lagging their benchmarks. Kerber explains how active managers are trying to attract attention to capture and retain business.

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The Illogic of Active Trading

More insight on behavioral finance from Carl Richards.
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