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The Chart Room

Endowment Sweepstakes: How Tiny Houghton College Beat Harvard

Harvard’s Endowment Fund recently announced that it will lay-off 230 employees due to lagging performance. Harvard’s situation is not unique. The National Association of College and University Business Officers recently reported that many endowments under-performed for fiscal year 2016. One exception of note is Houghton College in Houghton, New York.  A recent article written by James Stewart for the New York Times outlines Houghton’s investment strategy and how it compares to other institutions.

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Harvard Endowment Fund Will Cut Half of its 230 Employees

With performance that trails its peers, Harvard plans to cut its endowment’s investment group by half.

Read the Article by Beth Healy for the Boston Globe.

Yes, Short-Termism is a Real Problem

Writing for the Harvard Business Review, Roger Martin explores the concept of “short-termism.” In the article, he looks at what short-termism means, how it should be measured, why it is a problem for both corporations and investors and how it impacts business and the US economy.

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