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The recent roller-coaster ride of GameStop Corp. (GME) has provided investors with several learning opportunities.  Below are three articles we find useful in understanding this recent and noteworthy event.

A conversation with Scott Fearon and Robert Korajczyk featured in KelloggInsight:  Does GameStop Signal the End of Short Selling as We Know It?

From Marlize Van Romburgh of Crunchbase News: From The Editor’s Desk: Stopping To Smell The Tulips

From Greg Iacurci of CNBC: Why the GameStop Frenzy May Hurt Retirees Along with Hedge Funds

What Will the U.S.-China Relationship Look Like in the Biden Era?

What will be the future of US-China relations during the Biden-Harris Administration?  Writing for the Harvard Business Review, Oliver Reynolds and Arne Pohlman examine both economies and what the next 4-years may have in store.

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COVID-19, Climate Change, And The Need For A New Marshall Plan

Jeremy Grantham, co-founder of Boston-based asset management company GMO, LLC, offers his insight on fiscal reforms that could benefit the U.S. economy and help reshape the global marketplace.

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Investing in FAANG Stocks: Should You Expect Unexpected Returns?

Writing for Dimensional Fund Advisors, Professor Kenneth French explains expected vs the unexpected returns and why these terms are important for investors.

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Why the ‘Rothification’ of 401(k)s Would Hurt Retirees

Writing for Knowledge@Wharton, Professor Olivia Mitchell,Wharton Professor of business economics and public policy, looks at a new proposal circulating in Washington for the taxation of 401k plans.  The idea being explored looks at using after-tax dollars for contributions, much like a Roth, rather than allowing the current structure where contributions are made with pre-tax dollars.  Is this a good idea?  Professor Mitchell explores this topic.

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Markets Have Three Virus Scenarios to Consider

As the health emergency of Covid-19 develops, Aaron Brown of Bloomberg.com looks at how this illness and its impact on the world economy could effect investment portfolios.

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Low Interest Rates Worry the Fed. Ben Bernanke Has Some Ideas

Writing for the New York Times, Jeanna Smialek, Jim Tankersley and Ben Casselman look at statements made recently by former Chair of the Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke.  In particular, the article looks at Bernanke’s opinions of the current interest rate environment and the actions of the Federal Reserve.

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Most Arguments Against Index Investing Aren’t Compelling

Writing for Morningstar.com, Alex Bryan, CFA looks at the benefits of index investing.

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Why the Economy Might Not Sway 2020 Voters

2020 is just around the corner and American voters will head to the polls to elect the next President.  Does the performance of the U.S. economy factor into a voter’s decision making process?  Writing for the New York Times, Ben Casselman and Jim Tankersley explore this topic.

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The Groucho Marx Theory of Efficient Markets

The Efficient Market Hypothesis was developed by Nobel Prize winner Professor Eugene Fama in the 1970s.  This recent article published in Kellogg Insight by Professor Mitchell Petersen of the Kellogg School of Management looks closely at the mechanics of Efficient Markets.

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