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The Chart Room

Six Charts That Help Explain the Republican Tax Plan

The New York Times published this series of charts to help explain the general proposals put forth in the republican tax reform proposal. The exact details have yet to be hammered out but article provides some big picture context to the proposal.

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Longtime stock bull Jeremy Siegel sees Dow 24,000 this year

The Dow will reach 24,000 by the end of this year if President Trump and the Republicans on Capitol Hill deliver on corporate tax reform, the Wharton School finance professor says in this CNBC interview.

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French election 2017: Who are the final candidates?

BBC News has put together this brief, yet thorough summary of the final candidates in the French election. Le Pen and Macron will face off in the final election round on May 7th.

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The Trump Administration: What to Expect

“Something between Reaganism and France’s National Front, probably.” states this article from The Economist which explores how the Republican Party will need to reconcile with Trump’s positions in what looks like a voter-revolt.

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Trump Slump Coming?

Paul Krugman explains his opinion about Trump’s economic policies and the potential damage to the movement to mitigate climate change stating, “There is always a disconnect between what is good for society, or even the economy, in the long run, and what is good for economic performance over the next few quarters.”

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Trump’s Planned Economic Policies: What Could Work, and What Won’t?

Knowledge@Wharton has released a 14 minute podcast. Donald Trump’s plans to invest in infrastructure could stimulate the U.S. economy and create jobs, but tax cuts could smother long-term growth, according to Kent Smetters, Wharton professor of business economics and public policy.

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What Investors Should Do Following Trump’s Victory

Robert Johnson of Fortune emphasizes that “It rarely pays to panic.” in this article that speaks to long-term investing and staying focused on your financial goals.

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‘Brexit’: Explaining Britain’s Vote on European Union Membership

The New York Times has put together this brief summary of the Brexit and what it means to the EU, Britain and investors. It gives a good top level perspective of the vote and its ramifications.

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A background guide to “Brexit” from the European Union

A graphical guide to the Brexit provided by the Economist magazine which does a great job at not only explaining the issues involved, but putting them into an easy to follow presentation using a variety of charts and illustrations.

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OXPOL – The Oxford University Politics Blog

Oxford University’s Politics Blog offers a wealth of information relating to the potential Brexit with several expert posts. The posts go back for several months, providing a great way to look at how this subject has developed over time.

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