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The Chart Room

Are Investors Chronically Pessimistic?

Is the glass half-full or half-empty?  Behavioral finance is always an interesting topic to explore. Academics and industry professionals alike analyze market trends and investor habits to better understand individual behaviors.  Writing for the Chicago Booth Review, Dwyer Gunn considers recent works published by Professor Klaus Adam (Oxford), Senior Economist Dmitry Mateev (Bank of Canada) and Professor Stefan Nagel (University of Chicago) on the topic.

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Jeremy Siegel: Why the Stock Market Slip Is Not a Slide

Professor Jeremy Siegel of the Wharton School discusses the recent ebbs and flows of the stock market. Read the transcript from the Knowledge@Wharton radio show on SiriusXM.

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2 Major Investment Cycles Are Nearing Peaks, Here’s How To Prepare

Writing for Forbes, Michael Cannivet takes a look at the ebb and flow of past market cycles to hypothesize what is on the horizon.  He looks at both domestic and international trends and offers insight on what is next for the world economy.

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Apple’s Quarterly Sales Fall for the First Time in 13 Years

Apple is making headlines again, but this time for declining sales. Writing for the L.A. Times, Paresh Dave explores why Apple is now facing a challenging sales environment and predictions for the future.

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Understanding the Stock Market: All About the Price-Earnings Ratio

The Price-Earnings (P/E) Ratio is a tool often used by investors when considering potential investments. Sheyna Steiner of Bankrate.com looks at the intricacies of this ratio and explains why it can be a useful resource.

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Today’s Stock Market: Living in a World of Low Expectations

Shawn Tully of Fortune.com explores what investors can expect for investment returns in the current economic climate. Is there a “new normal?” Tully introduces theories presented by Bernanke, Shiller and Siegel as he investigates this topic.

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Keynes’s Way to Wealth

The influential John Maynard Keyes helped shape the principles of investors such as Warren Buffet, John Bogle and Benjamin Graham. A new book explores Keynes’s approach to money management, which includes the mantra “Don’t be fooled by “trends” in the market. Buy when everyone is selling. Hold on until you need to sell.”

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CAPE Fear: Valuation Ratios and Market Timing

Weston Wellington of DFA has put together a great summary of the CAPE (Cyclically Adjusted Price-to-Earnings) ratio, one of the more popular methods of valuing the market. He warns that it is not necessarily a great device for market timing.

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Fine-Tuning Schiller’s Cape

In this video, the Financial Times (FT.com), takes a closer look at Nobel laureate Robert Schiller’s cyclically adjusted price earnings ratio (CAPE) analysis and discusses how it can be modified to take tax changes into consideration.
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A Prudent Plan for Retirement Withdrawals

In this Morningstar video, financial planner, Michael Kitces, offers some guidance on how to be prudent and flexible with your retirement spending. His advice, create a withdrawal policy statement to help you stay on target.
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