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The Chart Room

Greece Emerges from Eurozone Bailout Programme

Greece is finding its economic feet again as it completes its 3-year Eurozone emergency loan program.  While the country still faces problems, some are finding new hope for the future of Greece.  Mark Lowen of the BBC highlights this recovery process in this recent article.

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How Can Turkey Overcome Its Economic Troubles?

The crisis in Turkey has been making headlines around the world.  The country’s current political and economic instability has been a major talking point among scholars, politicians and investors alike. This recent article published by Knowledge@Wharton highlights the opinions of Wharton Professors Philip Nichols and Joao Gomes on the topic.

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The US-Turkey Trade Spat, Explained

Vox helps to bring some clarity to the current crisis in Turkey through the eyes of the trade war, tariffs and Trump.  This article does a good job of explaining how both internal and external influences have had such a dramatic impact on the currency and what that means for the future of Turkey’s economy.

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Turkey’s Lira Crisis Explained

BBC News has put together this simplified summary of the current crisis facing Turkey and the weakening Lira, its impacts and potential challenges facing Turkey’s economic future.

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Pundits Predicting Panic in Emerging Markets

Writing for Research Affiliates, Chris Brightman, Michele Mazzoleni & Jonathan Treussard look at current trends in Emerging Markets. Is there cause for concern? Brightman, Mazzoleni & Treussard analyze the numbers.

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Emerging Markets Experience a Healthy Correction in May

This recent post presented in Franklin Templeton Investments’ blog Investment Adventures in Emerging Markets looks at recent developments in Emerging Markets.  Analysis is given by  Emerging Markets Equity Chief Investment Officer Manraj Sekhon and Director of Portfolio Management Chetan Sehgal.

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Saudi Arabia’s First Successful Play for Emerging-Market Status

Saudi Arabia is now considered a Secondary Emerging Markets per the FTSE Russell Global Equity Index. This upgrade could have a huge impact on the Saudi economy and its influence in the global marketplace.  This recent blog entry published in Investment Adventures in Emerging Markets by Bassel Khatoun and Salah Shamma helps readers understand how Saudi Arabia reached this status as well as what may lie ahead.

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The Year in Review: Global Economy in 5 Charts

Writing for the blog of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Oya Celasun, Gian Maria Milesli-Ferretti and Maurice Obstfeld reflect on important economic trends of 2017. Chart topics include global trade and commodity prices.

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Brazil and Other Bright Spots in Latin America

Mark Mobius provides insight into the Emerging Markets of Latin America in his recent blog posting. In particular, he comments on the countries and economies of Mexico and Brazil.

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Emerging Markets and Developing Economies: Sustaining Growth in a Less Supportive External Environment

Writing for the IMF Blog, Bertrand Gruss, Malhar Nabar, and Marcos Poplawski-Ribeiro take a look at the role of Emerging Market economies as part of the larger global economy.  According to their work, Emerging Markets have become a more influential part of world-wide economic growth. This study looks at how these countries have integrated into and influenced the wider financial markets.

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