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The Chart Room

How ‘Trade Wars’ Can Impact Markets

This article published in Forbes in March 2018 is worth a second look today.  Contributor Kenneth Rapoza looks at historical ramifications of trade wars and tariffs on world markets.  He also considers more recent events on the topic.

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Why Protectionism Won’t Bring Back Jobs

Is a global trade war on the horizon?  Knowledge@Wharton recently shared this podcast which discusses the topic of free trade and protectionism.  The conversation features Wharton Professor Mauro Guillen, Director of the G7 Research Group John Kirton and HEC Professor Olivier Chatain.

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Bloomberg Update on the Fiduciary Rule

As defined by Investopedia.com, the Fiduciary Rule states that financial advisors must act in the best interest of their clients and put the interests of their clients ahead of their own.  This rule, issued in 2016 by the Department of Labor, has come under review.  Bloomberg’s recent article on the topic written by Katherine Chiglinsky outlines the history, importance and current state of the Fiduciary Rule.

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How To Avoid A Shark Attack

What does a shark attack look like for an investor?  How can one safely navigate through rough seas to obtain financial goals?  Are sharks circling now? Jeffrey Kleintop, CFA, Senior Vice President, Chief Global Investment Strategist for Charles Schwab recently addressed this topic for Schwab’s Market Commentary. 

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Trade War Or A War Of Words?

The prospect of imposing new tariffs against China has been making headlines.  China has responded in-kind with similar threats.  What would be the impact of tariffs on the U.S., Chinese & global economies? To help explain tariffs and their ramifications, Christian Camerota of the Harvard Business School interviewed HBS faculty members Professor William Kirby (T. M. Chang Professor of China Studies, Spangler Family Professor of Business Administration) and Professor Willy Shih (Robert and Jane Cizik Professor of Management Practice in Business Administration).

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Does Lowering the Corporate Tax Rate Spur Economic Growth?

Much research and analysis is being conducted to determine how the new tax reform will benefit the American economy.  A recent article published by KelloggInsight looks at the work of Sergio Rebelo and Nir Jaimovich, which focuses on the impact of corporate tax changes.

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How to Invest With a Conscience (and Still Make Money)

Impact investing is an often-discussed topic for many investors.  Writing for the New York Times, Paul Sullivan shares the wisdom of those individuals and organizations who are shaping the future of social investing.

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3 Investing Mistakes to Avoid

The recent turbulence in the markets can put an investor on edge.  How should one navigate choppy waters? Ben Johnson, CFA offers his advice in this recent article published by Morningstar.com

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Every One of the World’s Big Economies Is Now Growing

Writing for the New York Times, Peter Goodman examines the growth of the world’s major economies – a landmark that has not happened since the financial crisis.  Goodman explores IMF predictions and trends pushing these economies forward.

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The Year in Review: Global Economy in 5 Charts

Writing for the blog of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Oya Celasun, Gian Maria Milesli-Ferretti and Maurice Obstfeld reflect on important economic trends of 2017. Chart topics include global trade and commodity prices.

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