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The Chart Room

COVID-19, Climate Change, And The Need For A New Marshall Plan

Jeremy Grantham, co-founder of Boston-based asset management company GMO, LLC, offers his insight on fiscal reforms that could benefit the U.S. economy and help reshape the global marketplace.

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Investing in FAANG Stocks: Should You Expect Unexpected Returns?

Writing for Dimensional Fund Advisors, Professor Kenneth French explains expected vs the unexpected returns and why these terms are important for investors.

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Growing Optimism on a COVID-19 Vaccine Boosts Investor Confidence in August

This recent blog published in Investment Adventures in Emerging Markets looks at the economic trends in various countries around the world.

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Why the ‘Rothification’ of 401(k)s Would Hurt Retirees

Writing for Knowledge@Wharton, Professor Olivia Mitchell,Wharton Professor of business economics and public policy, looks at a new proposal circulating in Washington for the taxation of 401k plans.  The idea being explored looks at using after-tax dollars for contributions, much like a Roth, rather than allowing the current structure where contributions are made with pre-tax dollars.  Is this a good idea?  Professor Mitchell explores this topic.

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Europe Prepares for Slow Return to Business as Virus Passes Peak

As many countries in Europe start to ease restrictions, Bloomberg looks at how various countries plan to re-open societal norms.

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Tracking Covid-19 cases in the US

CNN.com offers several graphs offering up-to-date information on the trajectory of COVID-19 by State.

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Fauci Says It’s ‘Doable’ To Have Millions Of Doses Of COVID-19 Vaccine By January

The hope for a vaccine against COVID-19 is palpable.  A recent NPR article by Brakkton Booker looks one possible vaccine timeline as discussed by Dr. Anthony Fauci.

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Juggling Coronavirus and Economy, Denmark Readies to Ease Lockdown

Some countries in Europe are starting to plan for life post-lockdown.  This recent article in Reuters by Stine Jacobsen and Nikolaj Skysgaard  looks at the considerations being made by the Danish government to possibly start easing restrictions after Easter.

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The 1918 Spanish Flu and Stocks

Looking towards history for context, this article from Seeking Alpha looks at the last great pandemic, the Spanish Flu of 1918.

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Markets Have Three Virus Scenarios to Consider

As the health emergency of Covid-19 develops, Aaron Brown of Bloomberg.com looks at how this illness and its impact on the world economy could effect investment portfolios.

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